Ouri had been the sole survivor when Ouri's mother kidnapped and killed many children when she became a Shikabane. On the other hand, Hizuchi, among the children, had regretted trying to survive by eating anything he could find before he died. Though Keisei had adopted Ouri back then, he was hoping to keep this a secret from Ouri. All of a sudden, Ouri is engulfed by the black cat, turning him into a Shikabane. Akasha explains to Makina that Hokuto was born and raised to be a human sacrifice, but instead she turned into a Shikabane with no regrets in her life, being defined as death itself. Overwhelmed by her strength, Makina is no match against Hokuto, who throws her into the lake. When Makina senses Ouri in danger, she gets right back up, having a reason to fight. As Ouri tries to commit suicide with fire, the black cat takes over, revealed to be the kidnapped children in the past. When Hizuchi prepares to finish Ouri off, Makina arrive just in time to help, allowing the both of them to take Hizuchi down.